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You are here: What is R U Ready 4 BIZness?
Friday, 10 Jan 2025

What is R U Ready 4 BIZness?

We are pleased to present you with the greatest educational invention since chalk and erasers!

The R U Ready 4 BIZness curriculum introduces a revolutionary pedagogy for the classroom. Students actually take on the role of entrepreneur to not only learn, but experience the process of starting and running a business.

We have worked diligently to “leave no child behind”.

We have taken the creative challenge of developing the first role-playing entrepreneurship curriculum, promoting the active learning for each and every student. For the first time in history, a curricular textbook is presented entirely in story/skit format. Every student takes on a role, whether it is acting, directing, behind-the-scenes, scene development, or critiquing peer performance, bringing active learning to every lesson. It is time to move past the rote learning style of reading a chapter, answering questions and memorizing information for a test. We bring to you an innovative curriculum where students will learn by doing and the knowledge will become theirs.

As educators, we are aware of the diversity of methods needed to reach the various learning styles within a classroom. We have worked diligently to “leave no child behind”. Our curriculum has employed all of Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences, Bloom's Taxonomy of Learning Domains, Universal Design for Learning, Robert Marzano’s Instructional Strategies and Harry Wong’s Classroom Organization and Management. R U Ready 4 BIZness is aligned with the Common Core Standards, National Content Standards for Entrepreneurship and National Standards in K-12 Personal Finance Education.

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The Entrepreneur GPS is a simplified business development guide that outlines the process with ease and clarification. This step-by-step guide is for novice learners who are searching for a direct route to success.



RU Ready 4 BIZness will develop the most innovative and real-world entrepreneur-ship curriculum that will birth the next generation of world-changing global leaders.

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