

We are excited to offer free webinars to our educators. Webinars cover the subjects addressed in RU Ready 4 Bizness as well as how to integrate various aspects of the curriculum. Each webinar is 30 minutes long.

Subject Matter (You may select more than one)

Introduction to Entrepreneurship
Financial Literacy
Intellectual Property
Business Plan

Integration (You may select more than one)

How to Use the R U Ready 4 BIZness Curriculum
R U Ready 4 BIZness Illustration of Common Core Standards
R U Ready 4 BIZness Illustration of Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences
R U Ready 4 BIZness Integration of Core Academics
Utilizing R U Ready 4 BIZness in an Inclusionary Classroom
R U Ready 4 BIZness as a Dropout Prevention Program

If you are interested in attending one or more of our webinars, please fill out the online form and we will contact you with the date and time.

Once we contact you please register onhttp://www.anymeeting.com to attend the webinar for your specific session.